Why Would the guy pass Me a contact After Being separated for each week?

Reader matter:

My ex-husband sent me personally a message that said I became a good lady, the guy enjoyed myself deeply and that I would always be on their brain. He mentioned he had been embarrassed of himself for letting someone anything like me go. The reason why would the guy send myself this after becoming separated for nearly weekly?

-Cindy S. (Tx)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Answer:

There tend to be three feasible mental good reasons for his tv show of like to you only 1 week following the divorce or separation.

Given that everything is satisfied as well as the divorce or separation is actually last, he is able to apply his rose-colored eyeglasses please remember the good reasons for having you.

As soon as the separation documents are ultimately closed, it’s recognized. Its over. Regardless of how poor the matrimony ended up being, this proof closing may bring right up a strange divorce anxiousness.

Provided the divorce or separation had been pending, he knew you will for some reason reunite. The good news is everything is final. This can result in self-doubt and separation anxiety.

I don’t know whom started the divorce, the length of time you were split up, or what accidents occurred in the commitment, but i recognize this is a common post-divorce reaction.

If you were to think this could be the feeling that motivated their e-mail, think long and hard if your wanting to hop into the flame. Top sign of someone’s potential conduct is their previous behavior.

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